50+ Tests Designed by Experts

Easily get started by selecting from over 50 expertly designed test modules to match your needs — or build a custom test unique to you.

Our comprehensive library includes a wide range of job levels and industries to let you screen candidates for their aptitude, cognitive abilities, and specific skills that fit your hiring needs.

Detailed Candidate Analysis

Easily get started by selecting from over 50 expertly designed test modules to match your needs — or build a custom test unique to you.

Our comprehensive library includes a wide range of job levels and industries to let you screen candidates for their aptitude, cognitive abilities, and specific skills that fit your hiring needs.


Additional Features

Every day we index millions of jobs directly from employer websites. We’re committed to accurate,
high-quality jobs so you won’t find old, duplicated, or spammy listings here.

Sort Candidate

Easily identify top-performing talent by choosing to sort your candidates by their scores

Interactive Tests

Simulations of real-life scenarios and timed answers give insight into how candidates will perform

Scoring Dimensions

Detailed analysis to see how candidates perform on the skills you require for success

Job-Relevant Assessments

Quickly search our assessments library to find assessments relevant to your job

Start sending assessments in 5 minutes.

Sign up, create an assessment, and invite a candidate. It’s that easy